
ETC PICTURES & some Esplanade gig notes

Miss Triple Tremelo uses her photo pass to reveal some of the backstage world of ETC.

At the time of writing she's filed frontline reports of ETC gigs at the Esplanade and the Third Place.

RE: Esplanade she didn't mention how I.S. Magazine credited her songwriting alongside the ahem "wicked guitar" of Ben ("ex-Padres") Harrison. Actually the guitar is hers too.

And then there's the story of this amazing drummer who looked like Lennat but whose name was Vinita. It said so on her backstage pass. Who was it who cried and what song was it that made them do so? And who has been namechecking Daniel Cleaver and Marge Simpson re: ETC elsewhere on Live Journal? We have our suspects shortlisted.

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