ETC - Live at Third Place (Fri, 8 July 2005)
Malaysian trucks go
'Come with us'
as I'm slipping in & out of consciousness
'You can take the bus
Like in the adverts with your wide-berth,
Thumbs-up, Moses
'Or can come with us
Come with us - to a cityful of Punks
Northwards - lode-up - with promises
So we hurtled on all right
Deep Purple on all night
Protons move faster than we thought
Past spooky crucifixes
Lit-up scary enough
To look as if it was where they really hung Jesus
'Come with us - ride with us
Going up to a cityful of Punks
Northwards - loaded up with promises
When things shut down in sleepy towns
The pepped air there is cut
By Malaysian trucks
The night is wilder, wider bigger there
With more space
For balmy promises
Protons move faster than we thought
And sometimes I'm kept up with how I can't keep up
With Malaysian trucks
Maintain maintain - keep up, keep up
"Maintain! Maintain!" dia cakap and "Last time, Iraq - I got one contract ... Cannot like that - I no go back... I stay the land I love - I stay riding Malaysian trucks..."
This town ain't big enough for the both of us
So let's move away
But anytown that would have us
Is not the type of town where we would want to stay
Astrogal, pack it in your sad case
I'm your Astroboy - I can give you space
Liked you enough to let you go
But loved you so much - it just about killed me though
This bed is big enough for the two of us
...till you bring your friends along
So you & me are Off & On I suppose
We still get on while you get off with other blokes
Astrogal, pack it in - you sad case
I'm your Astroboy - because I can give you space
Loved you enough to set you free
But wanted you so much - it just about slayed me
This heart is big enough for the both of us
You checked out, but somehow you still stay
What we thought must have been happiness
Was just relief from not feeling pain
Astrogal, pack it in a sad case
I'm your Astroboy - I give you space
Confuse what we want with what we need
What we thought was happiness was just relief
EX’S CASSETTES Tempat Tiga Version
caught you listening to cassettes made by an ex
and sneaking crafty cigarettes
guess you haven't given up yet
nevermind what you said
loneliness remembers what happiness forgets
yes, tragedy remembers what security forgets
heard you were listening to old phone messages
and those old letters - read & re-read
held as evidence
hold them to your chest
loneliness remembers what happiness forgets
songs about love and songs about sex
songs about dancing and songs of regret
songs about dancing and songs about sex
songs by monroe and model lipstiques
and serenaide on a cassette made by an ex
Misery loves company – thanks for calling dear
Some Misery Guts love company
Who called who what here?
My own worst enemy is anyone but me
And if it is then I was led astray
To this guilty party where they took one look at me
And handed me the blame
Let’s have a guilty party
Let’s throw a guilty party
Let’s crash a guilty party
Send invites to You & Who...?
Love, Me & the Monkey
We were cool back in school but who needs a class clown now?
All stories and no glory
Now little more than a Big Girl's Blouse
My own worst enemy is anyone but me
And if it is then I was led astray
To this guilty party where they took one look at me
And handed me the blame
And I’m always running late with all these dreams to navigate
Some blame themselves – Some blame fate
I’d blame time but I left it too late
And you've been hurting behind net curtains
And the neighbours think you're insane
You're not sure you can ever be certain
Of being any more than Ye of Little Faith
Let’s have a guilty party
Let’s throw a guilty party
Let’s crash a guilty party
RSVP to: ~ Me & the Monkey ~
Spent a penny on your thoughts - but got not a word from you
So I talked & talked & talked...
Like I really ought not to
I’ve only one floor
and my mirror must be so
bored of me
you can’t keep a good man down supposedly
so then what are we?
we are down - definitely
and I know I’m as low a bungalow
dream at million miles an hour
yeah, that’s fast
but I hold fast and never get very far
instead, in bed – inertia
yeah, but ‘inertia can hurt ya’*
and I know I’m as low a bungalow
hello, hello, hello is anyone at home?
my bed's unmade and i feel the same
is this is as far as I’ll ever go?
lying low in my bungalow
she’s upwardly mobile - downward we spiral / to the main floor / “who’s spinning?” well, hands up who is/ we got chicks with light sticks / and if you’re surrounded by all your friends, then who is left to call on Handphones on the Dancefloor?
I know it must take practice to dance like that, what with that thing in your ear, pitcher of beer, fags & handbag / and so we dance to the beat of mobiles ringing / I heard it ain’t over till the large lady’s singing but right now she’s messaging that I said she was fat ... well you know you know that I’d never say that / you know I always hesitate when a girl asks about her weight / oh you know it's best to hesitate... what are you sending me these messages for on Handphones on the Dancefloor?
lalala...ooh you send me, ooh you send me: SEMI COLON and a CAPITAL ‘P’... means: you’re sticking your tongue out at me / and then it's COLON and END PARENTHESES… s’posedly being friendly / why can't you come and stick your tounge out at me personally?
“listen, they’re playing our tune” and it goes: boom boom boom boom…
baby i'd save the last dance for us / if only we knew what it was because the DJs fucked off / he's wandering round the club looking to score / leaving us with Handphones on the Dancefloor
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