MALAYSIAN TRUCKS Tempat Tiga Version
'Come with us'
as I'm slipping in & out of consciousness
'You can take the bus
Like in the adverts with your wide-berth,
Thumbs-up, Moses
'Or can come with us
Come with us - to a cityful of Punks
Northwards - lode-up - with promises
So we hurtled on all right
Deep Purple on all night
Protons move faster than we thought
Past spooky crucifixes
Lit-up scary enough
To look as if it was where they really hung Jesus
'Come with us - ride with us
Going up to a cityful of Punks
Northwards - loaded up with promises
When things shut down in sleepy towns
The pepped air there is cut
By Malaysian trucks
The night is wilder, wider bigger there
With more space
For balmy promises
Protons move faster than we thought
And sometimes I'm kept up with how I can't keep up
With Malaysian trucks
"Maintain! Maintain!"
Dia cacap
"Keep up - keep up"
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