Wherever I have been during the last 20 years, John Peel show has been of the few constants in my life - not to mention the first place I heard the vast majority of my favourite music makers. I can't think of a single record I got purely on the strength of some critic's recommendation. John Peel, however, pointed me in so many exciting musical directions.
When it comes to hearing new music, friends’ recommendations are often your best bet. Peel was one of those friends. To millions.
At least it’s heartening to hear Peel’s passing makes the World News. Because it is - for my world and, I discover, the worlds of many others.
Here’s an admission: I can gladly fess up how John Peel influenced my music making. Wondering "Would Peel play this (if he got the chance)?" has often informed what I've done – even if you or he will never hear it. And I'm sure this influence will endure.
I don’t know how it is for others, but when I do music stuff on my own, there's some kind of ghost audience or context it's meant for - whether I realise it or not. And I know an imagined John Peel has regularly appeared (held-tilted; listening, arms-crossed) in these scenarios (as well as in my deepest dreams at night). His approval means a lot. Now, not having the
possibility of being able to get it from him again -for real- has dramatically changed the psychic geography of landscape I bumble around in.
This is only one way I am going to miss John Peel, and the most selfish. I already knew I was going to miss him. But I can’t imagine how much.
Postscript Came home after I wrote this to find almost-dry concrete outside my house. The next morning these two patches bore VIVA PEEL and VIVA JOHN PEEL (1939-2004).
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