Found myself entranced by prayers from Mecca last night. The translation & drama helps. Broadcast live on RTM1.
It's Ramadan
when I feel
closest to God
and I know: I don’t
amount to much
in comparison
regardless of
whether He exists
or not
and I know: I ought
make the most of
this life. most like
-ly the only one I got
(This fell out at lunchtime, Tues Oct 19 - thinking about firey words from Mecca, anger re: Jesus being known as the "Son" of God; the Holy Trinity; and other things the unbelievers have got wrong. And yesturday it was the fake folksy vibe contrived for Jesus nicnacs available on the corner of Hill & Stamford - promping: "Your Own Art & Crafty Jesus" ...not included here for fear of God's wrath?).
Dear Diary -- right after the abovementioned I bought two items in Bras Basar (equals me making most of life?):
1. Mini-acoustic guitar w/ nylon strings - $ 48.00
2. Penguin Pocket English Thesarus - $1.00
$1.00 book of 'favorite' poetry & verse got put back on the shelf after being carried around a while.
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