

(as requested for the reference of a good band from a North American capital city)

TRANS*END - "An Old Version of New Spiritual"


transcend the transcience -- transcend transcenders
in the triple-eight strive-for it's: demolition time again

we deal in currencies that last as long as ice
days (wierd, and lit like gigs) splice my nights.
it's smarter than us in its ugliness
grant me the grace to be smart enough to just shut up.

trans: end. so nobody speaks for me
so i've no more need for stuff
like God's speed

(is this just) another manifesto - for what i don't know. before i get old*

is it any wonder? or is it just THE one?
the one that allures... pretends...
the one that transcends.

surrender transcender. etc, etc, etc*

*: Improvised sections. Other versions below.

TRANS*END: Favourite Classic Review verbatum:

"I liked it till the guy started singing. His voice doesn't match the music. I don't know who should be singing this but someone who's not so whiny. Real rock'n'roll dudes don't whine. Inger Lorre from the Nymphs should be singing this. I liked the wall-of-guitar sound however."

---- Janis Garza -- Editor of RIP Magazine; Lemmy Biographer.

TRANS*END: Variations recalled from in-concert improvisations:

"build your dreams at 90degrees..."; "out of the traction into the action..."; "and i always get the lay-off before i get the pay-off..."; "what if there's no such thing as right and wrong - only popular opinion? and now the war is on: there's no such thing as right or wrong - only popular opinion..."; "played like a sucker by every motherfkkkr, once again, give me the strength to: transcend"; "not much in this straw-clutchin'..."; "my loose inate..."; "the vein to dream central"; "tired god disowning her angels, (says) 'all my heirs are graceless'"; "Etc, etc"; etc...

TRANS*END: Unconcious Joy Division reference : "To the sound of the city where a heartbeat's waiting for you... in the Shadowplay."
