
Our Gang Maybe Wee, But We Love It etc.

Wasn't expecting to have an Etc-related post so soon into 2010. The lazy half of Etc (me) was hoping to keep the calendar clear for recording, but -so far- that's not been happening; and just as juggling things that may/may-not happen in other countries was getting bewildering... all of sudden: we get an invitation to play at a party featuring the band AND the DJ that make us smile the most these days. So how could we refuse? Jet-set Harvey Etc might not even be in the country when the show commences, but he's keen (Note to self: ask him about any Phil Collins at Live Aid fantasies he might have)


Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010. 9pm till 2am

Venue: BluJaz, Bali Lane*, Singapore 

DJ MiLuvYouLooongTam (aka Roger) presents: 

Glorious eclectica spun by his very self


plus live music from: 





and guests who hope they don't spoil the party: 



The Facebook event page is here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=445357380007

The listing in Power of Pop says "Here’s one for the S-ROCK fan... two creative, iconoclastic S-ROCK bands that prize wit in their presentation of good ol’ rock ‘n’ roll, principally of the Brit persuasion". 

The fact is, we have no idea what to expect. Hopefully, we can make the most of being on Roger-Time here. Recent shows have all been on schedules that have meant we're maybe more buttoned up than at our longer-set, smaller-venue gigs. Not that much more buttoned-up, but a wee bit more? Dunno. Doesn't matter. Whatever. Better go change my strings. 

Hope you're having a happy 2010. 

Next week: Etc Malaysia gig - might not. 
Manila: postponed till April.... 

Keep in touch.