Our Gang Maybe Wee, But We Love It etc.
Wasn't expecting to have an Etc-related post so soon into 2010. The lazy half of Etc (me) was hoping to keep the calendar clear for recording, but -so far- that's not been happening; and just as juggling things that may/may-not happen in other countries was getting bewildering... all of sudden: we get an invitation to play at a party featuring the band AND the DJ that make us smile the most these days. So how could we refuse? Jet-set Harvey Etc might not even be in the country when the show commences, but he's keen (Note to self: ask him about any Phil Collins at Live Aid fantasies he might have)
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010. 9pm till 2am
Venue: BluJaz, Bali Lane*, Singapore
DJ MiLuvYouLooongTam (aka Roger) presents:
Glorious eclectica spun by his very self
plus live music from:
and guests who hope they don't spoil the party:
The Facebook event page is here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=44
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