Etc's Christmas Cracker goes from 10pm till then again

above: Etc and Roger at Baybeats 2006, plotting a Christmas gig 2½ years away
10pm. That's the time Etc is now scheduled to play at on Christmas Eve (Wed, Dec 24, 2008). This is at P.O.W. - The Prince of Wales 101 Dunlop Street, Little India, Singapore - where your faithful duo of Crooked Caroler Harrison and Harvey the Little Drummer Boy are on till round midnight, providing a heartfelt antidote to the season's insincere caroling and crass commercialism.
Hopefully no one will complain that these Merrie Gentlemen have so far made no plans to feature anything remotely seasonal in their set. Nor can they confirm the role of Vinita will be. Poor lass is recovering from denge, a malady Doctors recommend is best shaken with a shot of Etc action. She said she'll be there (to watch) but will she have strength to pick up the bass to play any reunion numbers with the chaps? Like Etc says: "Don't ever 'never'..."
What is certain: this is the last installment of 2008's "Etc: Play for Pals" trilogy* - an ongoing series of gigs held when long-absent Etc-friends return to Singapore and are invited to help pick the songs Etc play. The gigs double-up as informal reunions. It works. No faffing with schedules. Come if you can. Stay in the garden if you don't like the music. Previous Play for Pals shows were held for ex-Etc band members Vinita and Ping. And it was good.
This gig's guest of honour is Roger(pictured on this page next to Ben). He earned the honour by being Toa Payoh's top Etc enthusiast, backing vocalist and dancer, and was sorely missed when he moved to London. Fresh off Santa's sleigh from London (via Thailand), this is the prefect time to say hello to this very nice gentleman. And if you don't want to do that, you can still rock and bop to whatever Etc psychopop will be pulling out of their sack of it.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year.
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